Have you been handling your social media accounts, marketing collateral, and web design, but found them ineffective? Perhaps it’s time to consider working with a creative agency!
Without having a presence or good branding in the market, your business would not have a voice to connect with your desired audience. Thus investing in a good creative agency is essential to successful marketing efforts. However, figuring out which creative agency to work with may be an overwhelming task in today’s complex marketing industry.
Consider these questions when selecting an agency:
Is The Creative Agency Well-rounded In Its Areas Of Expertise To Provide Integrated Solutions?
The marketing industry is very broad, encompassing branding, social media, content creation and others. A good agency is able to provide solutions that integrate all these marketing efforts to optimize your company’s resources for the best marketing returns.
With years of creative services, Ingrid Design has always been able to harness our various expertise to provide customised solutions for clients. And through the pandemic, we have also established a good track record for our integrated online and offline creative marketing strategies.
Does The Creative Agency Have a Strong Portfolio?
You can usually view a creative agency’s portfolio on their website, which gives you a sense of what clients they have worked with. You can also understand their style and gauge their ability to achieve your desired outcome.
Ingrid Design’s clientele includes the private as well as the government sectors. We are the approved creative agency for Pfizer and Novartis among others in the pharma industry. Others include Capitaland Mall, Singtel, NTU, Republic Polytechnic to name a few.
Recently, the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) has appointed 108 agencies to its creative roster. We are pleased to announce that Ingrid Design has been awarded a WOG (Whole of Government) contract and a Framework Agreement Communications Campaigns (Creative Services) contract and is now recognised as a WOG creative agency. We look forward to working with all government agencies to provide the best of our creative capabilities.
Is The Creative Agency Able To Meet Your Marketing Challenges?
Creative developments to support marketing strategies should be customized for each client. Creative agencies must know their client’s pain points in order to create effective copy and visuals.
Ingrid Design’s service value is to have in-depth understanding of our client’s needs before providing creative design, branding, and innovative marketing solutions. We have been doing this for more than 20 years including marketing projects for growth and regional expansion to countries like Vietnam and China. We have proven methodology to communicate with clients and get their input before crafting the final solutions to achieve their marketing and branding objectives.
If you are still on the lookout for the right creative agency to help you accomplish marketing goals? Look no further! Our experienced offline and online Integrated Creative Digital Marketing team will be delighted to help you achieve the best potential results.